
The content of the presentation is such that we feel it is appropriate to ensure that users have appropriate child protection procedures in place.

Please register for the downloads here or sign in here if you have used the site before.
A summary of the downloads avaiable:
The Story Powerpoint is available to download and can be easily adapted to translate the key messages into the required language. An Audio of the story in English is also available if required. The Back page of the Flip Chart and Photographs (High Resolution) can be downloaded for those who want to make hard copies of the Flip Chart. These resources are made available to you freely so that you can use them to benefit children.
The Training of Trainers manual provides information on running a one day workshop for teachers and trainers who are using either the Story Powerpoint or the hard copy of the Flip Chart. It describes the challenges of making the materials understandable and what to do if a child discloses. The Good Touch Bad Touch flip chart was developed through a careful consultative process including piloting by 3 NGOs and this is described in the Pilot Evaluation. A Final Evaluation after the materials had been taught to a wide range of schools and NGOs is also downloadable. Posters that accompany the flip chart story are also copyright free and downloadable.